This is less of a mystery now. A picture says a thousand words. Though the COALITION OF PACIFIC COAST HIGHWAY HERMOSA BEACH BUSINESSMEN AND RESIDENTS OPPOSING THE ELECTION OF MICHAEL KEEGAN FOR CITY COUNCIL 2009 (or the Coalition of 20 Words as I will abbreviate it) gives no information about itself in its mailings or full page newspaper ads, the telephone number leading to the Ralphs Shopping Center and this not-too-subtle banner indicate to me that maybe I'm on the right track.
Does Hermosa Beach not have any sign ordinances? It seems that in the middle of a recession, Hermosa Beach businesses should not be telling people from Chicago to go home. Does somebody hate Michael Keegan because he is from Chicago? I do not know what to make of this. So do businesses from Hermosa Beach hate all people who are not from Hermosa Beach? If so, just say so. We can add it to the little Hermosa Beach signs around town.
As far as I can tell, this group hates Michael Keegan, Manhattan Beach, Redondo Beach, and Chicago. But wait, the Coalition of 20 Words' mailing address is in Redondo Beach. I do not know what to make of this at all. This is a puzzle. If anyone would like to enlighten me, I would love to hear the story.
Hi Keith, Seeing as I enjoyed reading your comments on my blog I thought I'd return the favor and answer your question since I've been involved in local Hermosa politics for the past two plus years.
Roger Bacon not only owns Ralphs, he owns all the offices and businesses on that large corner lot. He is definitely not charged market tax rates for his businesses which is why he's so adamantly opposed against Michael Keegan (who recently tried unsuccessfully to raise business taxes.)
Here's a link to a blog I passionately wrote when I first discovered this which you might enjoy reading:
Now before you think Michael Keegan is so great for trying to raise taxes, it was very back-room politics with deals made that would give the Downtown bars a discount and raise taxes exorbitantly on numerous businesses who weren't even aware they were being targeted like writers, local restaurants that didn't serve alcohol and others.
I would highly recommend you read because they post a lot of information on the election from people who are very well-informed and involved.
Thanks again for your comment! Keep 'em coming!:)
Thanks for your input Joy.
I do appreciate it. Given the small amount of time until the election I have decided to go after the most glaringly slimy activities that I can find. I know it looks like I am 100% pro-Keegan, but the fact is that my whole involvement started as a reaction to Bacon's over-the-top attacks on Keegan, which were all over the board. To some extent I am pro-Keegan only because I don't want any kind of mindless garbage attacks like Bacon's to work. Crazy greedy people who try to manipulate elections for their own benefit should never succeed.
That said, I don't believe there are many saints walking among us, and I am trying to give myself a more in depth education on the history and facts as they stand. Your suggestions of where I should start are greatly appreciated.
Thank you,
If only Michael Keegan were actually from Chicago. Isn't he from a suburb outside the city called Elk Grove? Bacon doesn't care about the distinction, despite the city and suburbs being worlds apart. Bacon obviously chooses to use Chicago in order to conjure up certain negative connotations associated with the city. Roger Bacon is a difficult man, to say the least, and it seems his temper often gets the better of him, and instead of attempting to participate in a civilize discourse, he resorts to reactions (this stunt, case in point) imbued in emotion. I would think Bacon might have some valid points, but all this sort of thing achieves is to discredit the issue. Not to mention, Bacon clearly disagrees with Keegan, but to suggest that the only option is to send him back to his non-hometown when HB has been his home for decades, seems not-very-American-esque.
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