Thursday, March 3, 2011

Hermosa Beach Schools

Tonight there is a meeting to help choose the future course of Hermosa Beach Schools, but also of Hermosa Beach itself. Let's say your are greedy and you don't care about children or the future health of Hermosa Beach, California, or the United States of America. And you also don't care if property values in Hermosa Beach tank the minute that the schools tank. There are clearly many millions of you in this nation, and you have considerable and growing power in newly formed political groups.

But ask yourself where you want to live in 3 years. If the Hermosa Beach schools go downhill for lack of public interest and funding, this town will change. I know families will definitely move out because my family will move out. I will not send my kids to an LAUSD run school or a state run school or any other kind of third rate detention center. So people with families will leave. There will be less support for parks and other city services, less opposition to the opening of many more bars, and suddenly Hermosa Beach becomes Potterville from It's a Wonderful Life ( That's it! Out you two pixies go... through the door, or out the window! ). Just a rotation of drunks aged 18 to 25 renting apartments 3 to a room. It will be great if you are a 21 year old college student from Michigan who will sleep like stacked cord wood in exchange for blistering sun burns and blistering hang overs for 3 or 6 months. Great if you own Sharkeez. Not so great if you like Hermosa Beach the way it is right now.

If you like Hermosa Beach the way it is now, you have to support the schools so that they can stay the way they are now. The state of California has screwed us, so we can either curl up into a ball and go down the gutter together, or we can each pitch in the cost of one McDonald's coffee per day and save the schools and the City of Hermosa Beach. You will literally make that decision. 

Thursday, March 3, 2011 @ 6:00PM
Hermosa Valley School, Multipurpose Room
1645 Valley Drive • Hermosa Beach, CA

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