Tuesday, November 3, 2009

Roger Bacon's Change of Heart?

The strangest thing happened this morning.  At 6am I received a phone call.  The confused excited voice on the other side of the line said, "Keith?"  I said, "Yes."  He said, "This is Roger Bacon, what day is it?"  Confused, I said, "What?"  He said, "What day is it, boy?"  I said, "Why, it's Tuesday.  Election Day, Sir."  He said, "Of course.  Yes, of course!  They did it all in one night."  I said, "They?  It?"  And then he explained how he had been visited by ghosts in the night.  One ghost took him back 60 years to Hermosa Beach and to Torrance Beach and showed him what he looked like and how he acted back then.  Another ghost showed him how all of his antics were perceived by the voters of Hermosa Beach today.  And the last ghost pulled a mile long chain, with each link representing a lost opportunity to do good.  And it was then that Roger saw how he would be seen in the future.  Not as a person who had worked for the improvement of the community and people around him, but for a petty vengeful person who let greed and vendettas rule his every waking minute.  And when he awoke, he knew he had to undo all the evil he had set in place.

Does Roger Bacon now support Michael Keegan and Democracy?  He didn't say.  But I hope the ghosts have pointed him the right direction.  And I am thankful for the enormous goose that he left for my family's dinner.

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