Friday, October 30, 2009

The Coalition - Form 460

I finally got my hands on the Form 460 for The Coalition.  I got it yesterday, October 29th and it was filed late on October 28th.  Roger Bacon bragged in a comment on this blog that he wasn't fined, which I find odd.  The City of Hermosa Beach is having major budgetary problems, but Roger Bacon who inherited land worth a fortune doesn't have to pay a late fee for not filing his legal paperwork on time.  You should all remember this the next time you get a parking ticket in Hermosa Beach for an expired meter or a forgotten street sweeping day.  Being a dime short on the meter is more serious than concealing political contributions in Hermosa Beach.  I would like to see the next city council raise the fine from $10/day to $1000/day and make it a felony to not file this paperwork at least 1 week before an upcoming election.  And the fine should no longer be discretionary, it should be mandatory.  Let's make it a real crime to subvert democracy.

Now, on to the Coalition.  First a list of people who are not contributors to the Coalition:
- Dr. No
- Dr. Evil
- Dick Cheney
- Roger Eldon Bacon

You read that right, Roger Bacon is not listed as having given any money.  There are only 6 people or businesses listed as having given money to the Coalition, and Roger is not one of them.  And the Coalition lists only $3900 in cash receipts, and $3856.40 in cash payments.  I'm no marketing / media expert, but it seems that sending a mailer to the voters of Hermosa Beach, and running at least 3 full page ads in the Easy Reader must cost more than $3856.40.  Now this form is for activity through 10/17/2009, so was there major activity after this, or were the ads run by a different Coalition that isn't legally registered at all?  If anyone understands the legal nuances of all of this, I would love to hear it.

And now I have to go Trick or Treating at my son's school.  Democracy will have to wait.

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