Monday, October 26, 2009

Update on Consequences of Not Disclosing Information

The City Clerk's Office has informed me that the fine for filing the Form 460 late is $10/day, and is enforced at the discretion of the City Clerk.  Remember that the Form 460, which is the Recipient Committee Campaign Statement, discloses who is involved in a political committee, including who has given money to that committee.

Here is a link to that form:

This means that this committee can conceal who is involved and where it gets it's money, and risk a fine of $70, since there are 7 business days between the filing deadline and the election.  Yes, you too can subvert the democratic process for the low low price of $70.  And you will only have to suffer that harsh consequence IF the City Clerk decided to fine you.

What is interesting is that it is my understanding that some of the candidates have not filed their Form 460.  Who, and what are they hiding?

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